Let me share the reasons why I know the witch wound is real. The Witch Wound – Past and Present The witch wound is an inherited, collective past trauma that originated in the times when women were persecuted, tortured, and executed for using their intuitive...
You may ask: “Isn’t Rescuer energy a good thing? I want to be of service!” And you know it is. I myself tap into it, and lately even deeper. It is nuanced and activates our inner need to help others. Rescuer energy comes up every time we worry about...
Speaking of the business of world healing… I was sitting preparing the blessings kits for Circle. They are created for the healing and magical practices I teach. And I was thinking: “if only we could know ourselves intimately…” After years of...
Do you feel it? Have you felt it? New Healers are being anointed, chosen! Let’s face it for us who have been in the game a while, we know!! That healers are chosen. No one grows up to say I want to be healer. It’s a vocation that has a universal directive. And is sent...
I’ve been creating a new body of work: healing core karmic wounds. Unpacking and distilling the layered effects of core wounds. I wanted to share some simple observations. These core karmic wounds contribute to impostor syndrome, not feeling enough and...