Wisdom, courage and power

Identifying your strengths and values

As the daughter of newly arrived immigrants seeking a better life for themselves and the next generation, I now realise the parallels and immersion of past with present. The very spirit that drove my parents here drives me with my entrepreneurial pursuits. Are entrepreneurs born or made? Were you born with entrepreneurial spirit?

Let me explain.

Inspirational Courage

It took inspirational courage to board a ship to an unknown land, so far way from homeland. But the strength was in making the decision. On reflection, I find this so inspiring. Communication was difficult, change was on a massive scale but internal belief and inspired action was the catalyst to move forward.

Time for Family and Tradition

It is salami making time here. Where once this was a chore, today it is a celebration of culture, tradition, family and food. Feeling privileged to be part of it. The simple, yet complex preparation, production and creating are all ingredients for success on so many levels. The banter, shared stories and celebration of the human spirit and community is rich and offers so much to my soul.

My mum was telling me how they made salamis when they first arrived in Australia.

wisdom, tradition, courage and power

the journey

Fortitude and Belief

My mum has 9 brothers and sisters and she is number 8. In Italy she was a follower. But when she arrived here in Australia she had to learn how to do things herself. Take the lead. Her younger siblings and in laws would say well how do we do that? Mum would just say “we’ll figure it out – we’ll just do and see how it works out”.   Passion and fortitude are mum’s strength.

Inspired Action

My Mum has a pioneering resolve and took inspired action and learnt by her experiences. Some wonderfully successful but some not so – just experiences to learn by.

It is amazing how that pioneering resolve, trust, belief continue within me, the next generation.

My life is much easier than my Mum’s but that same thinking outside of the box and taking action is my commitment to moving forward – just like my Mum.


Sometimes inspired action takes courage because we do not always know the outcome. But trust and perseverance always trump complacency and boredom.

Belonging, appreciating and acknowledging the mighty spirit of that first decision is awesome and I am grateful.

What inspired action are you taking? Do you recognise the entrepreneurial spirit you were born with – tell me – I’d love to know.