Nothing needs to change
Just find the balance
Find inspiration daily
You are moving forward without effort
We ARE moving forward
We’re often walking backwards because we need to fix our past
Stuck looking backwards so you can’t look forward
Passion is being in the moment and letting it all happen
Start with the why
Driving force moving you forward
Falling forward
Surrender to it
Take the next step
Let the passion drive you
Just surrender
I invite you to my FREE training call. If you have been labelled sensitive or felt lost at times, this call is for you. Register here – look forward to connecting.
Mmmm, this is rich Maria. Mindfulness is magic. One day at a time is also my moto.
Thank you
Hi Dana – thank you xx
to take that tiny step and turn ourselves in the other direction. forward, not backward. crucial.
hi April
so so true xx
Oh, Maria. How I needed these words of encouragement today. You have no idea. Well, you do have an idea. You've been there. Which is why you wrote this piece. 🙂 THANK YOU! Hugs.
Thank you, Maria. One step at a time. xxoo
thank you Sue Ann xx
I often remind myself to live in the moment and be present. One cannot go back in the past to fix or change things. We must learn lessons from the past as well as allow a release from the bondage of hurts and regrets.
Hi Lori – so agree – the present moment is all there is. Maria xx