I confess when I first offered this program, I had had an awakening to being an Empath and energies – I wanted to share it. I thought everyone needed to know this information. It was like a light bulb had been turned on and I could see the light. I wanted the same for everyone out there to see their light too. It felt like magic.
Share I did with 3 gorgeous souls. Then the second time I shared with another 5 souls.
Each time I have delivered this program, I learn more.
This is the 3rd time I offer it and my learnings have been profound. So much so that I guarantee results.
I will share how it has played out in this launch period.
ALL of my Energetic Boundaries have been challenged.
I have to had to refine, define and redevelop the way I look at mine and how they show up.
Physical Energetic Boundaries
My physical boundaries were challenged by fatigue, a spike in my Adrenal Fatigue symptoms and some insomnia. So I had to look at my co creation. My awakening was hitting me over the head and as a result my awareness grew.
I took the practices that I teach and started to apply them consistently. Go figure – they work.
Emotional and Mental Energetic Boundaries
Then my emotional and mental energetic boundaries were challenged. One of my close family members was given a suspected false cancer diagnosis. This brought up all kinds of fear and energy disturbances. Again I look at my Energetic Boundaries – the awakening was challenging but the awareness is gold.
The fortitude and courage that goes with dealing with health issues and health practitioners has grown immensely.
Relational Energetic Boundaries
Then all my family stuff has been challenged – my Mum has been ill and I shared carer role. This is my relational energetic boundaries. It’s not what happens – it’s how I react.
Psychic Energetic Boundaries
I experienced a profound psychic attack. I have not had this level of awareness before. Sure there was some but this was intense and my psychic energetic boundaries were severely challenged- how did this pan out? Extreme day and night energy. Think wilted flower and then sunshine. I had to do some energy work to clear (with my spiritual mentor). When it was cleared my awakening was complete. My awareness is gold. My mastery is available to others.
Spiritual Energetic Boundaries
I have been continuing my Spiritual practices, so I do feel my Spiritual Energetic Boundaries have been strong, clear and smooth.
So why am I the master?
Because I have learnt and experienced energetic boundaries – theoretically, viscerally, energetically.
Why would you study with me?
Because I see Energetic Boundaries and I feel them.
Then I guide you so you can see, feel, refine, define and develop your own.
So that when your energy is challenged – you will know what to do.
You will be empowered intrinsically and have your own resources to cocreate your dream life.
Can you be the master of your energetic boundaries? Yes you can!!!
So if you want to experience a profound shift in how you present in the world, then join me.
Here is the link to empowerment www.mariaheals.com/energeticboundaries-is