Crystals are an amazing source of intention and magical processes.
Today I share how to program quartz crystals.
There are four steps to programming your quartz crystals.
- Clear your quartz
- Ask the stone permission to be programmed
- Intention Setting
- Action
Below you will find scripts and action steps. Let me know how you go with programming your quartz crystals.
1. Clear your quartz
Make sure any previous vibrations are removed. Think of quartz like a sponge. Quartz is picking up all the vibrations that are around it all the time. After you buy a quartz, you take it and clear it quickly. Think of the energy it has collected as finger prints. Everyone that touches quartz imprints on it. The first time you pick up your quartz crystal and you love the vibration, set the intention if any energies that are attached to this quartz and not serving you, please clear now.
2. Ask the stone for permission to be programmed
Do I have permission to use your medicine in this way?
Do I have permission to charge and program this stone?
Wait and listen.
You’ll know.
There will be a sense of peace.
Yes, its ready for you to work with it. Feel it.
3. Intention setting
Quartz is a stone that can act as if it is any other stone.
You can do a day by day thing, where you need another type of stone – “quartz today do I have permission to charge you to have the properties of eg. amethyst?”
“I program this quartz to behave in a way that reflects the properties of amethyst. With all of the properties of insight, connection to higher self and psychic ability, in alignment with the highest good.
This is the task
Now is the time
I bind the energy of my intention to this crystal
I set the energies free to manifest in alignment with the highest good of all beings
so shall it be . . .”
For example
I want to program you to magnify good health and weight loss.
Quartz do I have the permission to program you to work for me to support and magnify my intentions for perfect health and perfect weight.
So shall it be
This is the task, now is the time
I bind the energy of my intention to this crystal for perfect health and weight loss.
I set the energies free to manifest in alignment with the highest good of all beings
so shall it be . . .
4. Action – you need to work with the stone
You can’t just program it and then put it in a draw somewhere. You have to work with the crystal – this is a tool. How? you carry it with you.
The more you reinforce the energies that you are working with the tools, the more the tools act in alignment with that intention. You have to work with them. Be in your purse, in your bra – meditate with them. The work is the best part. If you don’t work with your tools – how will you know?
NB: If the stone says no – choose another piece.
In summary . . .
Permission is really important as it honours the integrity of your tools.
Intention is really important
Clearing is really important
How can crystals help your business?
If you need clarity, support, direction… Maybe help making a decision? Opening a path going forward? Trying to find your next steps? Relax your nervous system? Crystals can help you find clarity, direction, focus, and plug into another energy source. Interested? Make sure to download my Crystal Guide for Business Succes.
Let the magic begin!