How do you read a 5 Card Spread?
Ok so you want to work with the Divine, connect with your guides, become an Oracle even!!!
Yep I get it.
Here is a 5 card spread which you can definitely use as a divination tool to harness the power, get in touch, grow and develop your intuition and connection to the divine.
This is a process I follow and teach my clients too:
- Take a breath.
- Clear your mind.
- Connect with your body.
- Be present
Ok, now pick up your card deck if you haven’t already. Knock on the whole deck 3 times – this clears the deck. You can also sage them. I usually just knock especially if other people have been playing (working with them).
Ask the Divine “Show me, what do I need to know today?”
Then shuffle and when you are ready – you can choose a card. The card usually chooses you as now you are a conduit for the divine. I know, stay in your heart. It does not ever steer you wrong!!
Then if you want a reading – like you are working on something that you need some clarity on. Eg. a decision or an offer or a new service – shuffle the deck and choose your five cards.
Follow the formula below. The messages should be clear and fast. Go with the first thing that comes – it is usually the one from the divine.
Enjoy. Trust.
New Moon Tip
New Moon Season is a great time to sow your seeds. The cards help and support you with the how and what you can do to harness the beautiful growth energy of the new moon.