Imagine freeing your mind once and for all from those pesky doubts that creep in . . . that you are doing business “wrong”, according to rules set by someone else.
Why do women join my Circles?
Certainty! When we are certain with our actions and choices, we can reclaim our time and energy. Doubt and fear are no longer in control! We know our path, we know our next steps. Why? Because we trust our inner wisdom!
When we are pioneers, innovators, leaders, and setting the scenery for future generations, we value the certainty of knowing that our next steps are going to accomplish what we set out to achieve.
All of my circles
♦tap into inner guidance and power to reclaim your sovereignty
♦creating the world we want to see as spiritual leaders and healers
♦clear ancestral fears, uncertainty, trauma
♦reconnect with our souls embracing our gifts
♦working with your seen and unseen energy and power
Connection, Commitment, Contribution… this is the work we do in the Circles.
It starts with you, but it is limitless. Are you ready to go big?
Discover your energy streams, rituals, and deep spiritual concepts in my themed workshops.
Ideal for leaders, teachers and healers who are ready to reclaim their sovereignty and step into new positions in their community, or grow their communities.
Go in, and get ready to go big!
Annual Circle
Move into your next stage of personal and spiritual growth. Rid yourself of the limitations and blockages, connecting deeply with yourself and others.
Ideal for women in their wisdom years (from 40 onwards) who crave a deeper, more connected and authentic way of living.
Working in Circles?
Individual work is needed and powerful. But working in a community gives you a support system for your personal process. Accountability, sisterhood, and true connection are valuable and needed these days. I am very happy to see that the graduates of my different Circles are helping change the world, and enjoying deep, sustainable, empowering growth. They are going big!
Are you ready for Circle?
More Circles!
About your Facilitator
Maria Davis is a personal growth and spiritual mentor who specialises in helping women find their authentic selves and embrace their experiences as they navigate their unique journey. Understanding the impact spirituality and personal growth can have on your energy in life and business, Maria champions aspiring leaders by creating a safe space to increase self-awareness, experience vulnerability, identify limitations, heal wounds and find their passions for whole-of-life success and alignment.
Are you ready to be the next success story?