Embarking on Your Personal Journey of Spiritual Definition and Freedom Spirituality, holds different meanings for different individuals. Yet, amidst this diversity, lies a common thread—a journey of self-definition leading to profound freedom. Let’s embark on...
Let me share the reasons why I know the witch wound is real. The Witch Wound – Past and Present The witch wound is an inherited, collective past trauma that originated in the times when women were persecuted, tortured, and executed for using their intuitive...
When it comes to spiritual work… Has this thought ever crossed your mind? “It’s a waste of time…” It can be a thought that plagues us incessantly. Especially if we are moving away from our comfort zones and trying something new. Or when you begin to embrace...
How to walk through a period of darkness coming out relatively intact and full of wisdom. Recently I watched spiritual mentors talk about their experience with the dark night of the soul – or is it dark knight of the soul? Why not? Those dark periods we...
We hear a lot about it everywhere: psychology and self-help books, spiritual teachings, trauma healing practices, and more. But, what is our inner child? How can we know if she needs attention? How can we heal through inner-child work? I’ll walk you through a...
You may ask: “Isn’t Rescuer energy a good thing? I want to be of service!” And you know it is. I myself tap into it, and lately even deeper. It is nuanced and activates our inner need to help others. Rescuer energy comes up every time we worry about...