I love words.  The words you use are a clue to your journey.

Let’s explore some really cool words and how they affect our trust element.  How they can contribute to our conscious evolution too.

The first is intuition.

As I listened to a podcast, years ago – this massive penny dropped.  Intuition is tuition from the inside – whoa – our soul speaking to us.  Why don’t we trust it?  It never steers you wrong!! Over the years of teaching how to develop your intuition, I have found that this particular skill is something we have forgotten.  It is always there but needs some development.  Just a muscle needs activation and growth.  So does this innate skill.  Intuition needs conscious attention.  When you trust your intuition, your whole world will change.  Your knowingness will expand.  Your path going forward will be easier to navigate.  Your decisions will come with more flow.  You awareness will be expanded.  I call this conscious evolution.

Attunement is a little more subtle but is vibrational frequency and it takes more time to develop the connection to this gift.  When you attune to energy, your world opens up even more.  In what way?  Well consider, trusting yourself completely – you have developed your intuition, you know its not you – the frequency in the room has changed – here is the attunement – the judgment and compassion filters back in.


When I was much younger, I used to feel everybody’s pain, I thought it was me.  No I was just consciously attuned to others vibrational frequency.

Now that I know that – life is much easier.  I know when it is me and when it is other people’s stuff.  This has freedom me from anxiety and worry.

Oh, if you are attuning naturally, you may be an Empath, a gift of light to the world – take this quiz to find out more.

Entrainment is a neural connection, Dr Joe Dispenza talks about the groove that made everyday following the same process – he was so funny talking about the same moment in everyday, when you wake up, have your coffee, have a shower, do the same thing over and over again.  If you are doing the same thing everyday, your neural patterning is just that – there will be no change.

The definition of insanity according to Albert Einstein is “doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results”.


We all do it.  We are entrained to our particular ways day in, day out.

The only thing that changes an entrainment or creates a neural pathway is conscious thought.  This all starts with awareness.  Awareness is the key.  Transformation is the gift.  Conscious evolution is the result.

If you trust yourself, be compassionate, honour your sacred self, the experiences along the journey will be lighter and more joyous.

Here’s a few reflective questions for you?

Do you trust your intuition?

How are you unconsciously attuning to other people’s energy and what is the impact on your health?

What is the effect of entrainment?  Where are you doing things over and over again and expecting different results?

You may not have definitive answers but maybe the enquiry is all you need, right now at this very moment.  Being the master of your energy is a powerful skill to have.  Developing this skill is a life time achievement.  The success is in the moment that you highlight or set on a path of enquiry.  From one life long learner to another.  Blessings xx

If you enjoyed this blog, click here to download my FREE Empath Resource Guide.  The Guide will support you to appreciate energy and comes with a FREE meditation too.