When I was first introduced to Channeled Light Language, I was sitting in a Medical Intuitive Class and all of a sudden, 4-5 students stood up and began talking this weird incoherent language or noises, whilst the rest of the class was paying close attention.
I was like, what is happening, have I entered another paradigm – are we here? I know I am but where are they?
They had definitely shifted.
It felt very alien.
Fast forward 4 years and I too channel light language. It’s not something I advertise until now. It took me a while to appreciate the effectiveness and the impact of the light language and healing.
In my sessions, it was easy to channel and provide this healing as part of the matrix of tools, I have available.
So I went and researched why and what is it?
It is another healing tool, based on sound and frequency. It has been used for centuries across all traditions, including Shamans, Greek and Egyptian Mythology.
Light language varies from activator to activation. It can sound like animal sounds, clicks, pulses, tones, songs and spoken dialects.
It is not a language like we know it, it is a tonal, a frequency that has a healing effect and supports your cellular matrix to energise, become whole and complete.
3 things you should know about Channeled Light Language
It is different
It is ancient
It is wise
and bonus it is sacred
Channeled Light Language is based on frequency and tonal vibrations. So it is vibrational medicine at its best. It shifts your current cellular status and introduces new vibrational quality to the cells
It is the voice or language of light. It offers ancient wisdom. Receiving the light and directing it to heal. It is an activation and a code
It provides powerful transformation in mind and body.
As I was researching for this blog, I came across this quote which resonates completely – especially “to code your body directly into Light”. I have witnessed this as my clients have received their transmissions, during the Medical Intuitive sessions.
There are no words to really articulate what light language is but there is a deep resonance that commits me to trust this miraculous and channeled healing language.
“The energy words are to be used to code your body directly into the Light. They also provide the sound vibrations of greeting and protection…To place these ancient energy words into English, modern Indo-European languages or some other language, would deprive consciousness of a direct experience with the power of the sacred language. Transposing these words would cause them to lose their energy pulse, which is similar to the symphonic song of a musical masterpiece transposed out of its original key into a strange cacophony.” www.keysofenoch.org
So as much I feel a “different”, even a little “crazy” for channeling this light language, after an initiation, I am now ready to share this frequency healing with you. As a channel, this is my soul calling.
Light language in itself remains a sacred mystery. But for those of us who are channeling light language for healing, it is a miraculous tool. If you would like to receive a Channeled Light Language Transmission for Manifesting – click here. Many Blessings.
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