Is Being Too Giving Affecting Your Ability to Receive Money?

One of my intentions this year is Sacred Generosity.

Let me explain.

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Giving and being open to receive in a way that feels good.

I can be myself at home and be loving and supportive of my family, just like I am when I’m in business – loving, supporting & giving.

Often in business we get caught up in it being about giving, giving and giving without boundaries. We can become tired and stuck in that energetic loop where you give too much and you’re out of kilter…

When you balance the art of giving and receiving the energetic loop is foundationally solid, you feel energised, not compromised or out of integrity.

That’s what the vibrational tune up is all about – be giving and be open to receive.

Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 12.42.38 PMReceiving has been one of my biggest lessons.

How do you become more open to receiving?

Know what you want to receive.

Stop giving without boundaries.

Without heart boundaries giving outside of what you think is right is going to deplete you.  So you won’t be able to receive – as giving and receiving is an energetic loop, we need to balance the two.

When we give too much, we’ve actually negated the idea of receiving.

Sacred Generosity to me is about giving what feels congruent, what feels synchronistic to what my soul calling is, what feels right in myself AND then being open to receiving – thank you, thank you, thank you – the gratitude… thank you, thank you, thank you, I am open to receiving.

Receiving is about Blessing what we get too – when I received money before I was like I can’t possibly be receiving money for something that I find so easy, and it is my soul calling – but that’s the energetic loop – if we don’t receive then we can’t give of a pure heart.

It’s giving and receiving.

There’s a lot of mindset work around that too.

The vibrational tune up is about getting the cycle right.

The vibrational tune-up is aligning what the thought patterns are to what the beliefs are.

Consciousness is the key.

Being conscious about what we need to release in order to evolve.

So we can transmute and release during a session – it’s actually quite easy, because life is simple.Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 12.11.36 PM


We recognise what the values are, what the limiting beliefs are, it’s a layering process, and it might take some digging for it to come out.

When we clear the beliefs and can become open to receiving, we can give with heart boundaries and know that we will receive.

Having the loop in balance for giving and receiving allows the money and abundance to flow into our business and life.

You might also be interested in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series.

Maria Davis, Medical Intuitive/Spiritual Mentor to conscious and evolving women seeking the depths of divine truth, mind, body and soul. Maria teaches and guides her clients to a place of stability, peace and balance. She teaches how to access intuition and all about unique energy pathways. Her approach is simple, practical and down to earth. After 30+ years of teaching, she has some inspirational stories to tell. Maria is the divine mother earth energy and gives the biggest, most loving connected hugs. Join Maria in her annual Vibrational Tune Up Challenge starting December 1, 2016. Here is the link to Tune Up your Vibrations and energise for Christmas and beyond.