Why does a dripping tap annoy you?




Drip, drip, drip, drip . . .

It’s the continual, repetitive,  innane action going nowhere that annoys, frustrates and even makes you angry.

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Then you start to ask through the annoyance – why is it dripping? For some this takes a while to get to. For others who have experienced a dripping tap before, it’s relatively short or even instant.

When you reach that tipping point of total anger (frustration) (insert your own adjective – it could even be failure – a much deeper subconscious, which affect your physiology), then it’s time to take action.

What to do? You become curious? You start to gather information. You google – what to do to fix a dripping tap? You may even now be starting to break down the function of the tap. When has it been affected so that it’s function is impaired? 

A parallel to the body??

Maybe a long bow! Bear with me.

When you feel pain – what happens? How do feel? What are the emotions you feel? 

Anger, frustration, ultimately failure – this affects your physiology more than the simple tap tap tap that your getting from within. Or I could say drip-drip-drip. Lol!!

It’s takes along time for any pain or disease to fully form and present. It’s articulation is a dance, a poem, a story – take time to come together.

What if just like the dripping tap, you became curious the first time it present. That first leak (tap) or nudge (intuitive) for the body.


How would you be? 

Taking inspired action is continual. It’s a step by step process.

Just like that annoying leaking tap drips for attention, the body taps from the inside through pain or energy changes. So why not become attuned, be curious, trust and lean in when things first present. Taking that first inner knowing, sage even and wise step to come back to flow is the best decision you can keep making in your life and for your physical body.

Drip drip drip or tap tap tap

A sign

A message

Do something 

Be curious.

Pay attention to the drips.

Enjoy the flow.

Life is a journey.

Join the Maverick Manifestor community for support on this journey in the Earth Suit (body).  Enjoy the spirit within.