The Call for Discernment in a Connected-Disconnected World We live in a paradoxical world – hyper-connected through technology yet often deeply disconnected from ourselves. The constant stream of information, opinions, and spiritual advice creates a sense of...
Introduction Have you ever felt paralysed at the thought of putting yourself out there? Whether it’s writing a newsletter, sharing a social media post, or presenting your work, the fear of being judged and not getting it right can feel overwhelming. For many of...
I’ve been musing . . . About crystals – the rocks as I fondly referring to them. What do they bring to your business? And the support they potentially have for those who are expanding their agency and capacity. Specifically musing about the value of the...
Have any of these statements been said about you? And how could these help you create an AMAZING business? Did you know that 20% of the human population are Highly Sensitive? Highly Sensitive People have physiological differences and studies are proving there are...
How a Vibrational Tune Up Helped Create a Successful Launch I had a client come to me for a vibrational tune up. She was in the middle of a launch and we cleared some beliefs that lead to an increase in client attraction. People come to see me at all stages of...
The Number One Limiting Belief Holding Us Back in Business The number one limiting belief which holds us back from shining our light as an entrepreneur is: “I’m not enough”. How it presents in your thought patterns can be different so it may not show up as those...