by Maria | Apr 28, 2016 | abundance, transformation
Yes that’s right – the need for immediate results! This combined with so many choices, which actually should be freeing, creates anxiety, stress and energy deficiencies. I see this in simple decision making processes I put to my clients. Totally unaware... by Maria | Apr 27, 2015 | abundance, consciousness, prosperity
Nothing needs to change Just find the balance Find inspiration daily You are moving forward without effort We ARE moving forward We’re often walking backwards because we need to fix our past Struggle Resistance Stuck Stuck looking backwards so you can’t look forward... by Maria | Mar 15, 2015 | abundance, consciousness, prosperity, vibrations
How a Vibrational Tune Up Helped Create a Successful Launch I had a client come to me for a vibrational tune up. She was in the middle of a launch and we cleared some beliefs that lead to an increase in client attraction. People come to see me at all stages of... by Maria | Feb 20, 2015 | abundance, consciousness, transformation
I was so disconnected that I did not hear my soul calling. I am left brain trained and worked in an environment that everything had to be checked and cross checked before it became law. I am talking about working for the government in a grey building with layers of... by Maria | Jan 11, 2015 | abundance, Blog, Healing, medical intuition
What does healing have to do with drawing? You might ask. Creativity and Healing? Is there a parallel or inverse relationship between the two? You bet! So I have found that I really wanted to do something creative for years. As luck or synchronicity would have it,... by Maria | Dec 8, 2014 | abundance, Blog, Healing, prosperity, transformation
This year has been a year of abundance. Abundance and prosperity comes from within. The art of receiving is something that I am learning along the way. It is not a natural state for me. However, the art of giving is more than natural, it was my modus operandi. To the...