What is consciousness?

Wow – this is a huge question! It has been discussed since forever, even in biblical days. So I am little frightened entering this sphere of dignified gentry and accomplished scholars but here I go – I will dive in. Am I going to definitively answer the question – no!...

Law of Attraction | Success

We all strive for success in our lives. This can be in many forms; such as financial, freedom, empowerment, recognition, abundance, material items, and so forth. You are the only one that can define what your success is. I welcome with open arms all the success that...

Law of Attraction | Wisdom

Wisdom : noun the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise. Wisdom, how do we define this and how do we interpret this?  It’s very common for people to think of wisdom and being of highly intelligence, but that’s not wisdom...