I was at a conference on the weekend and the very last speaker was the amazing Iyanla Vanzant. An incredible woman, gifting us insights with stories, experiences and lessons.


At the end of her presentation, she took some questions from the audience. But before anyone could ask the question – they had to answer this question –

Iyanla said “tell me, who are you?”

The first woman got up and started with her name and roles she had in life.  Iyanla interrupted this analysis and asked again “who are you”?

I went what?!

She is answering the question.

This question stumped me.

There was resistance present.

The next woman got up and, again, the question was posed. And the answer went something like this “My name is . . . I am a mother of . . .

Again covering her roles. She was interrupted swiftly and asked again “who are you?”

I was shrinking. I was glad I didn’t have a burning question. I wasn’t certain of what my answer would be.

This insight was new. I went into processing.

Iyanla was asking us to claim who we are. All of our wisdom, our experiences and our attributes.

This morning I reflected. I asked myself “who are you”?

So the answer came to me . . .

“I am a wise, sacred, spiritual woman, who is birthing myself and supporting others to birth their true authentic self.”


Now over to you.

Who are you?

With love and blessings.

Maria xx