You need to light that Candle!
You do need to light that candle! And… You will often hear me say this with an added superlative for emphasis, starting with F and ending with g. It is an altruistic yet practical, ancient wisdom and magic that has worked since time immemorial. It’s the best...How To Write New Moon Wishes That Come True
New Moon wishes harness the power of the new lunar cycle. Come on, make a wish! If you follow these four energetic steps, it will come true. Trust me! Skeptical? I won’t judge you. I was like that myself before I understood and embraced the power of magic....Everything You Need to Know About Crystal Grids
Crystal grids are an arrangement of crystals in a sacred geometry shape that we charge with a clear intention. They are powerful because they bring pieces of the world together: location, energy, and lifetimes of connection. We call the act of creating crystal grids...I Want to Start Manifesting
Let’s talk manifesting. If you want to start manifesting… Let’s explore manifesting, intention, co-creation, asking, spells. The art of manifesting is simply the art of asking. Doubts look like this Really? Who do you think you are? To ask? Do you deserve it?...Protected: Money Making Sigil – Recipe
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