Who are you?

I was at a conference on the weekend and the very last speaker was the amazing Iyanla Vanzant. An incredible woman, gifting us insights with stories, experiences and lessons. At the end of her presentation, she took some questions from the audience. But before anyone...

When is it ok to start?

This morning was my last long run before flying out to New York to step onto the start line on November 1, 2015. It was fun, easy – really cruisey – my body feels good and it knows I am ready to run my race. I have done all the training and had many...

4 Stages of Spiritual Transformation

The 4 stages of Spiritual Transformation are:- Breakdown, Breakthrough, Awakening, Integration 1. BREAKDOWN We as humans go through trauma. Defined by our perception, which creates our reality. So stuff happens. Yes?! Somehow, the word perfectionism wants to come in...