Healing and Life Drawing

What does healing have to do with drawing? You might ask. Creativity and Healing?  Is there a parallel or inverse relationship between the two?  You bet! So I have found that I really wanted to do something creative for years.   As luck or synchronicity would have it,...

Peeling Back the Layers

My experience with strolling beneath the skin was mind blowing, soul shifting and a synaptic evolutionary process. It all started with watching a youtube video. Attending a conference. Awakening the hunger and the need to know more. My Mentor and Teachers My mentor...

The Wounded Healer is Healed

You don’t plan to be healed, it just happens.  We might hope but we never know when the penny will drop or the karmic lesson is going to release.  Trust, synchronicity and intuition – all ingredients in this healing. I recently had the incredible unplanned...