Could you be an Empath?

It wasn’t until a few years ago that I found out I was an Empath.  It was a huge light bulb moment and I felt that I had come home.  I just felt validated and a true essence to the core.  It was an amazing feeling to put a name and a skill to this quality I have...


I was so disconnected that I did not hear my soul calling. I am left brain trained and worked in an environment that everything had to be checked and cross checked before it became law. I am talking about working for the government in a grey building with layers of...

As the Story Unfolds

As our soul regenerates. As we peel back the layers, the stories dissolve. As we become aware, our soul starts to breathe. As we create space, our bodies start to breathe As we expand and nurture, our bodies and mind start to experience with more passion and...