Today I want to talk about feminine leadership. What does it take to lead from a place of intention, balance and space? What is it we need to break our association of leadership with perfectionism? Letting go of the toxic patterns that we have associated with “good...
Speaking of the business of world healing… I was sitting preparing the blessings kits for Circle. They are created for the healing and magical practices I teach. And I was thinking: “if only we could know ourselves intimately…” After years of...
Do you feel it? Have you felt it? New Healers are being anointed, chosen! Let’s face it for us who have been in the game a while, we know!! That healers are chosen. No one grows up to say I want to be healer. It’s a vocation that has a universal directive. And is sent...
Or do we need to know how our energies change? To intrinsically know them more? So what do you think about protection and boundaries? I think we do need to protect our energies, create boundaries to integrate and then make way for expansion. These are 3 stages of this...
Empaths carry a lot of stuff around in their bodies and energy fields. Meditation is one way in which these energy attachments can dissolve. Ultimately to find the real you. The permission to be sensitive and thrive is granted. No longer striving but thriving with...